Saturday, December 5, 2015

I've been aware of this for years now. I think this whole crew - (It's not just Obama) - is complicit. Not sure what they are, in terms of what one would label the ideology. Some kind of radical/revolutionary expression of a globalist nature, a specific "Strain" of globalist, playing their part - their specialty being to fool us into accepting our own peasantry and national demise, eventually to result in a tyrannical, corporatist, all-controlling global dominance. It's hard to name.... Val Jarrett types if you will, employing any devious strategy that will crumble American/Western stability via intentionally promoted violence, using all the mind control and psy-op maneuvers that have ever been found effective. These are not just well-meaning, innocent, family types who want to pass a healthcare and a consumer bill to help some people. These people are every bit as nasty as your typical Dick Cheney depiction. We are, right now, as abused spouses isolated and GASLIGHTED, fed alternate realities until we can no longer discern truth. In the coming year, the mask will slip and even the most fervent Obama sycophant will at least find themselves confused. More will have the picture clarify before their eyes. How else could Trump even have credibility, even among the lower intelligent of us? These people have not been here to "help" the American citizenry. They are here to disorient us. To further crumble society in every way possible. They are doing a fantastic job! But we can just keep buried in our FB memes about putting down whoever the political "opposition" is supposed to be, or some fantasy "Imagine" dream, ;"OH, wouldn't it be nice", or things to distract us and make us think they're making us feel "good", but the imagined "utopia is definitely not where they want to take us.  

Sunday, August 17, 2014

    Hamas spokeswoman, Isra Al-Mudallal, tells how the few, mostly free-lance, journalists who dared try to report on Palestinian Hamas rocket launch locations and artillery storage were intimidated and expelled.
 “These journalists were deported from the Gaza Strip,” al-Mudallal said. “The security agencies would go and have a chat with these people. They would give them some time to change their message, one way or another.

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Follow also:  Insights and observations at Commentary Magazine

Monday, August 4, 2014

 To paraphrase John Batchelor ~ when we allow these training camps and gatherings to be maintained and grow, bad things happen to the west. 

Surely there are many questions and variables to ponder first. Still, as a somewhat kneejerk-reacting, opinion-giving American, I hold up this plan-of-action for possible entertainment by the Joint Chiefs and the current Zombie Administration State Dept: DO NOT SAY A WORD! Not to the press. Not to your aides and staff.
Gather all available intel on all Islamist training camps throughout this rapidly disintegrating Middle East. In Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, Lebanon, and Syria.
Run it past this non-participating President, then send him off to a fundraiser or to practice his hipster jive at some campus and tell him not to worry his pretty little head with the details. Still, not saying a word to anyone.  Start putting together coordinated operations and pick the moment. Do not telegraph this. Send bombers and drones in and FLATTEN all the chosen sites. Do not send Susan Rice, Joe, or anybody to go out with some stuttering cover line or B.S. story. Stay calm, quiet, confident. Have no doubt in the correctness of it. Comment briefly, if at all, and only to confirm. And move on.  Obviously, and for good overall reason, this is not how these things get done.
* Islamic State touts training camp in northern Iraq

* Al Nusrah Front names training camps after top al Qaeda leaders

 * The Ugly Aftermath of America's Intervention in Libya